Our Team
The EUNHA team
EUNHA Healthcare Ltd is led by Munhamo Gumbo, an experienced registered manager with an awe-inspiring 15 years’ experience in care management positions.
“Through many years of working in the health and social care sector, I developed an interest in the wellbeing of people being cared for, with an understanding of how old age, mental illness and the environment can impact on someone’s identity and self-esteem, thus effecting the quality of their life. Through working closely with the local authorities, hospital discharge teams, the reablement teams and the safeguarding teams I have achieved better outcomes for the people cared for. All this can be achieved through following CQC guidelines on a daily basis. As a Care Manager, it is my responsibility to establish good working relationship with my team members and deliver high quality personalised care. I am responsible for the day-to-day operations of the business, ensuring that all our service user’s queries are attended to timeously. At present, I have acquired experience and qualifications which enables me to execute my duties as I continuously engage in professional development.”
– Munhamo Gumbo